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Petrovic not excluding new elections (KIM radio)

The outgoing Deputy Prime Minister of Kosovo Slobodan Petrovic has voiced expectation that a way will be found for election of the Kosovo assembly speaker, even though he didn’t exclude the possibility of new parliamentary elections.

Petrovic said in Leposavić/Leposaviq that after the decision of the Constitutional Court of Kosovo “everything is completely clear” with regard to election of the assembly speaker. “That means that we’ll have to repeat election of the Kosovo assembly speaker, whereas the proposal will come from the ranks of the party which won most of the votes, that is, (Hashim Thaci’s) Democratic Party of Kosovo,” Petrovic said to Beta agency.

He reminded that PDK did not have majority at the constitutive assembly session. “I don’t know how much has changed in the meantime, but our position remains the same. The Serbian List will support those who have majority,” said Petrovic and added that it would be highly irresponsible if new elections process would be the option. He stressed that it is very important that Serbian List does not become ‘a collateral damage in these political rifts,” what wouldn’t be the first time to happen.

He added that Independent Liberal Party (SLS) yesterday organized a regional party meeting dedicated to ongoing creation of municipal boards of Zvečan/Zveçan and Zubin Potok/Zubin Potok.
