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Vucic: I respect foreigners, but they will not make decisions about Serbia (Vecernje Novosti)

“Serbia reaffirmed its independence and sovereignty in decision-making by implementing its serious and responsible policy, and our job is to persevere, because that is the best for our citizens. Therefore, we will not change our position towards Russia and I am confident that it will not jeopardize our European road,” said Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, who in recent months was exposed to the pressures of some Western countries to join the sanctions against the Kremlin.

Whether our country can truly stand aside in the vortex of a new Cold War?

 We will always respect the positions of others. But the people chose us to implement a policy of Serbian interests, and not the interests of foreign countries. This is our answer today, and that’s how it will be tomorrow.

Can it happen that Brussels terminate Serbia's European integrations, or to introduce ban on visa free regime if we do not turn our back to Moscow?

Serbia is on the European way, by the will of its citizens, and this time we will continue. Some things we have done, but many obligations are ahead of us and I am confident that we have the strength to fulfil them, so that Serbia will be in the line with modern, European countries. I am convinced that no one has the intention and desire to stop Serbia on its European path. The introduction of visas for our citizens is not realistic and will not happen. We respect Europe, we want to be part of it, but we also want that Serbia’s voice is respected and to preserve our national identity and integrity. Nothing more than what everyone else got.

Recently, you had a meeting with Putin. Did he promise you some concrete economic benefits if we don’t join the EU sanctions?

Our conversation was open and friendly. Serbia is not and will not blackmail Russia. But, of course, we talked about all our issues, about the economic issues that bind the two countries and I believe we made ​​a good foundation for enhancing our cooperation in the energy field, in the field of exporting our agricultural products, as well as improving the construction industry between the two countries. Relationship with President Putin is sincere and without secrets, or any of backstage politics.

What else should be done in order to begin opening of negotiation chapters with the EU? There is speculation that Berlin will request from us not to impede the presence of Kosovo at the UN. 

In Serbia, there are always a lot of speculations. Berlin never asked that. I believe in the words of Angela Merkel and I am confident that Serbia will open chapters 32 and 35 this year.

Is the entry of the Serbs in Kosovo's parliament our indirect recognition of the so-called state of Kosovo?

Of course not.