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We cannot prevent Kosovo's membership in the Venice Commission (Politika)

Dacic said that, there are various pressures he faces on a daily basis, and some of them are related to the fact that some of the colleagues that he meets do not inform him openly about their next steps in the areas that are the subject of mutual talks, Beta reported.

"Almost every two weeks we meet with colleagues, including and colleague with an asterisk, with a footnote (Kosovo), and we inform each other about all. The only thing they have not informed me about is that they will apply for membership in the Venice Commission," Dacic said. "So now the Quint countries come to me to express their hope that Serbia will not oppose their membership in order that the following day... the United Kingdom submits an amendment that the footnote is no longer in use when the (Kosovo) is to be received there," he added.

Dacic said: "If we want a fair and open relationship, what is there to hide?" Say what you want. I also told them: Serbia of course cannot prevent the receipt (of Kosovo in the Venice Commission) because there is decided by majority vote, but do not ask us to applaud it. This is not normal. And we seek fair treatment," said Dacic.