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Education and health to remain in Serbia’s system (KIM radio)

Political basis is needed for creation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities by adoption of the statute, what is possible through agreement with the future government in Pristina, stated Director of the Serbian Government’s Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric and stressed that education and health sectors will remain in Serbia’s system.

“I expect that participation of legally elected representatives of Serbs in the provincial institutions will significantly contribute to having direct talks between Kosovo Albanians and ourselves about the issues which we so far discussed in Brussels”.

He also stressed that without participation of representatives of the Serbian List creation of the government in Pristina is not possible, neither from the political nor from the aspect of legitimacy, and reminded that the Serbian List supported the election of Isa Mustafa at the post of the Assembly Speaker.

On question why are now Ramush Haradinaj and Farmir Limaj closer to Belgrade than Hashim Thaci, with whom the Brussels agreement was signed, Djuric said that the Serbian List, as political organization, has the legitimate right to enter negotiations over the creation of the provincial government with everyone.

Djuric reflected on conclusion that for most of Kosovo Serbs integration of education and health sectors are ‘red lines’ after what their emigration will follow, and said that “education and health remain in the Serbia’s system”.

“That is international standard. Even if we leave aside disagreements over the statute, that is something that no one ever can bring into question. In the period ahead more should be done with regard to improving the feeling of safety and on essential freedom of movement,” said Djuric.
