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Djuric: Gov't appreciates OSCE's contribution in KiM (Tanjug,IRS)

BELGRADE - Director of the Serbian government’s Office for Kosovo-Metohija (KiM) Marko Djuric said during talks he had with representatives of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) on Wednesday that the Serbian government appreciates the contribution the OSCE Mission in KiM was making to help normalize relations and improve the conditions of life in the province.

During the meeting he had with OSCE Special Representative for the Western Balkans Gerard Stoudmann and Head of the OSCE Mission to Serbia Peter Burkhard in Belgrade, Djuric said that Serbia was committed to fostering dialogue and implementing the Brussels agreement between Belgrade and Pristina.

Djuric said Belgrade wanted Serbs and Albanians to live in the province together and the Serb community to integrate and participate in the work of Kosovo institutions, and it also wanted to see a community of Serb municipalities set up.

The officials discussed issues related to internally displaced persons, ways to facilitate their return and the importance of supporting this process, the Office for KiM said in a release.

The meeting also touched on the fate of missing persons and the OSCE representatives commended the signing of a declaration on missing persons by the presidents of Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH), Croatia and Montenegro in Mostar, BiH at the end of August.

Djuric praised the Swiss OSCE chairmanship and added that their experience will be of great aid to the Serbian team when it takes over this role.