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Ilir Deda, the main negotiator? (KIM radio)

The activist of Self-Determination movement, Ilir Deda, could be the new main negotiator in dialogue with Belgrade if post-election coalition and Self-Determination form the government of Kosovo, carried Pristina-based media.

According to the agreement reached between the coalition made of Democratic League of Kosovo, Alliance for the Future of Kosovo, Initiative for Kosovo (LDK-AAK-IK) and Self-Determination, if that block forms the government the Self-Determination movement will be in charge of a part of negotiations in the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina.

The leader of Self-Determination movement Albin Kurti said to Serbian media that one of distinguished activists of Self-Determination will be at the helm of that part of the dialogue.

Pristina-based Express speculated, by the way how Kurti presented a ‘distinguished activist’, that person in question could actually be Ilir Deda.
