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Crisis of Kosovo institutions discussed in Berlin (KiM radio)

A three-member delegation of the Serb political representatives, consisting of the Minister for Communities and Returns Dalibor Jevtic, Mayor of Strpce/Shtrpce, Bratislav Nikolic and MP Sasa Milosavljevic is visiting Berlin.

As announced by the Ministry for Communities and Return, three Serbian representatives met with Christian Schwarz-Schilling, MP of the ruling CDU, and introduced him with the current political situation in Kosovo, noting that institutional crisis is affecting the lives of citizens.

Sasa Milosavljevic reiterated that the Serbs would not support the option of forming institutions in which there is a movement Self-determination.

Schwarz-Schilling said he appreciates the important role of the Serbs in an attempt to resolve the current political situation, noting that he understand that reasons for the political vacuum are with the Albanian political parties, reads the statement of the Ministry of Communities and Returns. Development of the economy, agriculture and tourism in the municipality Strpce/Shterpce was also discussed at the meeting.

During his visit to Berlin, Nikolic, Milosavljevic and Jevtic also spoke with Foreign Policy Advisor of the German Christian Democrats (CDU), Hans Joachim Falenski. He said that political leaders in Kosovo must show responsibility towards the citizens. He particularly highlighted the need for continuation of the dialogue in Brussels.

Minister for Communities and Returns Dalibor Jevtic pointed out to the small number of returnees and problems related to the lack of implementation of certain laws relating to the rights of minorities. "When I talk about the return, I speak about the most important and basic aspect and it is an aspect of human rights. The right for return to one’s property is something that needs no explanation, "said Jevtic.