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Condemnation of the graffiti on Decani monastery (Vecernje Novosti, Kim Radio)

Bishop of Raska-Prizren Teodosije warned that religious and nationalist extremism presents a serious threat not only to the Serbian people and the Church, but also for all citizens of Kosovo and Metohija: “We expect the international community and Kosovo's institutions will protect peace and Christian sanctities from provocation and potential terrorist attacks.”

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija Marko Djuric condemned the graffiti on the premises of the monastery Visoki Decani and asked KFOR to reinforce military protection, and identify and bring to justice responsible people. He emphasized that Serbia will do everything to protect the Serbian cultural heritage in Kosovo and Metohija, the Serbian Church and the Serbian monasteries and to put an end to the harassment and intimidation of Serbs in Kosovo.

Kosovo President Atifete Jahjaga condemned the vandalism, saying that it presents "an ugly and unacceptable act". "This vandalism does not contribute to building trust between communities and is contrary to the values ​​of inter-religious tolerance", said Jahjaga.

As quoted by Pristina media, Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci condemned, through Facebook, writing threatening messages on the walls of Decani monastery. "Tonight, someone made dirty the walls of the monastery Decani with messages Caliphate, ISIS and UCK. Such graffiti is against the values ​​of the liberation war in Kosovo. UCK (KLA) never fought for religious issues, but for the issues of emancipation in the spirit of European civilization," wrote Thaci.

The incident was strongly condemned by the leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK), Ramush Haradinaj. "AAK strongly condemns graffiti on the walls of the Decani Monastery. AAK is engaged and will be engaged in joint life of all ethnic and religious communities in Kosovo and for the freedom of religion of all communities," reads the statement of Haradinaj’s AAK.

Citizens' Initiative Srpska calls on all authorities to react immediately on the occasion of writing threatening graffiti on the buildings of the monastery Decani. "We call on KFOR, EULEX, Kosovo police and international representatives to clearly oppose such vandalism and show us that, at least, we can hope someday we might live in a free environment," reads the statement of CI Srpska. In a statement was said that such behaviour should not be tolerated because it is an open threat and a danger to all those who are currently in the minority.