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"Rexhepi offends common sense" (KiM radio)

Abbot Sava Janjic reacted to the statement made by Rexhepi that graffiti were made by minors who were arrested, stating that it is "irresponsible and fundamentally wrong."

"Three Kosovar youths were only kept in police custody, but not in connection with graffiti, but because they shouted the KLA slogans in front of the monastery. Anyway, who again wrote slogans and not far from the KFOR checkpoint? Such statements offend common sense and serve to conceal the real problems on the ground," said the abbot of the monastery of Visoki Decani.

Janjic said that the statement of the Minister of Kosovo that KFOR should be withdrawn and that the safety of Visoki Decani should be handed over to the Kosovo Police is absurd.

"Kosovo police, with all due respect, in some parts of Kosovo, presents more of a problem than part of the solution and is not yet able to operate independently of local political and other structures," concluded Janjic.

Previously, the Kosovo Interior Minister Bajram Rexhepi said that the graffiti on the walls of the Decani, according to the information available so far, were written by three minors.

Rexhepi said that this is act of vandalism and the police will talk with the parents of these minors in order that, as he said, stupidity like this does not happen again.