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16 years from killing of youngsters in Peć (KIM radio)

16 years have passed since six young Kosovo Serbs were killed in café ‘Panda’ in Peć/Pejë. No light has been shed on this case so far and perpetrators have remained unknown.
Case ‘Panda’ has not been addressed by Kosovo judiciary yet, while the graves of killed boys could hardly be found at a local cemetery in Peć/Pejë, since it has been desecrated several times so far and it is now completely destroyed.

Ranko Jokic, who lives in Peć/Pejë, along with nine other Serbs, remembers the crime and says: “All citizens of Peć, entire Serbia is still in pain”. Pictures of six Serb boys are placed at the entrance of Peć Patriarchy, and that is the only reminder on what happened in Peć/Pejë 16 years ago.
Despite the last year statements of (Serb) politicians, which raised hopes, that the case will be resolved, there is no information so far about the progress of the investigation. Thus, it still remains unknown who committed the crime, and what is more terrifying, it also remains unknown whether youngsters were killed by the Kosovo Liberation Army of Serbian forces.
Killing in café ‘Panda’ was also a trigger for migration of Serbs from Peć/Pejë.
