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UNMIK Media Observer, Morning Edition, July 24, 2024

Albanian Language Media:

  • State Department: Kasanof committed to Balkan’s Euro-Atlantic integration (RFE)
  • Hoxhaj says removal of visas for Serbs is “double sovereignty” (KTV)
  • RTK Board issues explanation for reporting on “controversial article” (media)
  • KFOR: Any decision on Iber bridge to be made in Brussels dialogue (Express)
  • EFJ calls on Osmani “to speak out and protect media independence” (media)
  • Faton Hajrizi’s family authorizes lawyer to return his body from Serbia (RFE)
  • Haradinaj blames “Kurti’s approach with allies” for “deteriorating security” (media)


Serbian Language Media:


  • Vucic: Serbia has very good relations with Russian Federation (Tanjug, media)
  • Joksimovic, Tolkach: Serbia-Ukraine dialogue to foster mutual understanding (N1)
  • KFOR: Any decision on opening Ibar River bridge in Mitrovica only within the dialogue (Kosovo Online)
  • KFOR Commander visits Gazivode lake (Kosovo Online, social media)
  • Kosovo police arrests Serb for alleged spreading of racial and religious hatred (Tanjug, media)
  • Serbian List: Serbs persecuted over verbal delicts, while no one is held responsible for crimes against Serbs (media)
  • Staro Gracko - Waiting for Justice: Two and a half decades since murder of 14 harvesters (Kosovo Online)
  • Investigative journalism or intimidation of journalists? (KoSSev)
  • UK Ambassador visits northern Kosovo (Kosovo Online, social media)


International Media:


  • ‘Smashing the Patriarchy’: Anibar Film Festival provides possibilities for equality (Prishtina Insight)


Albanian Language Media


State Department: Kasanof committed to Balkan’s Euro-Atlantic integration (RFE)


A spokesperson for the U.S. State Department told Radio Free Europe that new Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Western Balkans, Alexander Kasanof, will engage closely with leaders from Kosovo and Serbia and with European partners “on the path for reaching a normalizing, peaceful and productive agreement between the two countries”.


The spokesperson also said that “our policy promotes regional economic cooperation and reforms that will bring sustainable peace, stability, and prosperity in the region. We will continue to work with countries of the Western Balkans and our European partners to advance these objectives during Kasanof’s mandate”.


Hoxhaj says removal of visas for Serbs is “double sovereignty” (KTV)


Senior member of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK) Enver Hoxhaj said in an interview with KTV on Tuesday that the EU Council’s decision to lift visa requirements for Kosovo Serbs that have passports issued by the Serbian Coordination Directorate was known since December and that the government of Kosovo cannot pretend it did not know about this. He said the decision was the most detrimental “since the declaration of Kosovo’s independence” and that it relates to Serbia’s idea for double sovereignty. “This means double sovereignty over Kosovo,” he argued. “The decision to recognize passports issued by Serbia’s illegal structures within Kosovo is only the last part of the wrong chain that Albin Kurti has had in these years in government”.


Commenting on the eventual opening of the Iber bridge, Hoxhaj said communication is needed on the matter and that the integration of the Serb community in the north is urgent. “What is happening in the north and the topic of the bridge have nothing to do with the state, but with the governance of Albin Kurti. The north of Kosovo is a topic that suits Albin Kurti to remain in power in Kosovo and for Vucic to remain in power in Serbia,” he argued.


Hoxhaj also said that the reason why former EU High Representative Josep Borrell invited Kurti and Vucic to Brussels was to tell them that he is “concluding his mandate but the topics we discussed remain and the passing over of the mandate to Kaja Kallas does not change anything in the content”.


RTK Board issues explanation for reporting on “controversial article” (media)


The Board of the Radio Television of Kosovo in a joint statement with the acting director of RTK said they held an extraordinary meeting on Tuesday about a report by the public broadcaster on Monday evening. “The RTK Board seriously addressed the publication of a controversial article on Monday, July 22, on RTK, taken from a Bosnian media. Members of the Boar expressed their concern over the clear error and asked for detailed explanations from the management. The Board expresses regret for the publication of an article by the medium in Bosnia which referred to media in Kosovo, although the RTK in its reporting did not mention them. This was mentioned by the editorial staff at the meeting. The acting director informed the board that she will set up a professional committee to explain the situation in detail and to shed light on the editorial responsibility for this error and will undertake strict measures in compliance with the law and internal acts of the RTK,” the statement notes.


KFOR: Any decision on Iber bridge to be made in Brussels dialogue (Express)


NATO’s peacekeeping mission in Kosovo – KFOR – told the news website on Tuesday that any decision on opening the main bridge over Iber River for traffic should be made in the EU-facilitated talks in Brussels, “which NATO continues to support, including the efforts of KFOR”.


The KFOR media office also said that KFOR continues to contribute to securing a safe environment for all people living in Kosovo “at all times and in an unbiased way, including the fixed presence at Mitrovica bridge and regular patrols in the surrounding areas”.


EFJ calls on Osmani “to speak out and protect media independence” (media)


The European Federation of Journalists said in a post on X that the new law on the Independent Media Commission in Kosovo “threatens press freedom by enabling political capture of the media regulatory body”. The EFJ also said that together with the Media Freedom Rapid Response they urge Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani “to speak out and protect media independence”.


Faton Hajrizi’s family authorises lawyer to return his body from Serbia (RFE)


The news website reported on Tuesday that Serbian authorities have not yet announced the time or the way how the body of Faton Hajrizi, who was killed by Serbian authorities on July 19, could be returned to Kosovo. Pristina-based attorney Arianit Koci told the news website that he has been authorised by Hajrizi’s family to engage in procedures for bringing his body back from Serbia. He also said he expects to travel to Serbia on Wednesday or Thursday. 


Hajrizi, who had fled a prison in Kosovo on July 6, was suspected of killing a Serbian police officer and wounding another on July 19 in Lloznica in the western part of Serbia. Hajrizi was later apprehended and after firing shots at the police was gunned down.


Kosovo’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Monday that Hajrizi’s identity was confirmed through fingerprints sent by Serbian authorities. 


Haradinaj blames “Kurti’s approach with allies” for “deteriorating security” (media)


Leader of the Alliance for the Future of Kosovo (AAK) Ramush Haradinaj said on Tuesday that the approach of the current government together with Prime Minister Albin Kurti with Kosovo’s allies has damaged the security situation. “I think the source of this deterioration comes from the lack of a genuine doctrine for law and order by the Kosovo government and Prime Minister Kurti. I think their approach and engagement only for their own party interests has managed to damage the security system in Kosovo. Their discordance with our allies has often led to deterioration with regards to the security situation and the rule of law,” Haradinaj argued. 


Serbian Language Media 

Vucic: Serbia has very good relations with Russian Federation (Tanjug, media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on Tuesday Serbia was conducting a good policy and had very good relations with the Russian Federation. During a tour of the new terminal building at the Constantine the Great Airport in Nis, Vucic noted that Serbia would continue to maintain good relations with Russia despite those who wanted the opposite, Tanjug news agency reported.

"Just like we will continue on our European path, despite those who would like us to stop here. And they are not pro-Russian or pro-whatever - they are falsely pro-European and cannot stand the economic, and even political, progress of Serbia", Vucic told reporters when asked to comment on reports by some media outlets that he had a bad relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Vucic added that he had met Putin at a summit in China and that they had greeted each other. "Do not worry - Serbia is conducting a good policy. And do not worry about my relations with the Russian Federation - they are very good", Vucic also said.

Joksimovic, Tolkach: Serbia-Ukraine dialogue to foster mutual understanding (N1)

Advisor to Serbian Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs, Jadranka Joksimovic, and Ukrainian Ambassador to Belgrade, Volodymyr Tolkach agreed that enhancing dialogue between Ukraine and Serbia at all levels would foster improved mutual understanding, N1 reported.

Joksimovic thanked Ukraine for its position regarding Serbia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, adding Belgrade is equally clear in its commitment to respecting international law principles regarding the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Ambassador Tolkach briefed Joksimovic on the current situation in his country, including the problems in the humanitarian and energy sectors. He expressed gratitude for Serbia’s noticeable humanitarian and donor assistance to the Ukrainian people, said the press release. The Ambassador also extended gratitude for the continuous support in sharing experiences from the European integration process and said he hopes for further enhancement of economic cooperation between the two countries.

KFOR: Any decision on opening Ibar River bridge in Mitrovica only within the dialogue (Kosovo Online)

Any decision regarding the Ibar River bridge in Mitrovica must be made within the framework of  Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, mediated by the EU, which NATO continues to support, including through the efforts of KFOR, this Mission said in a written response to Kosovo Online portal.

Asked by the portal of KFOR's stance on opening the Ibar River bridge and whether all security conditions have been met for such an action, KFOR emphasised that they continue to implement their UN mandate, which includes their constant presence at the main bridge over the Ibar River.

"KFOR continues to fulfil its UN mandate to contribute to a safe and secure environment for all people living in Kosovo, at all times and impartially, including through its constant presence at the bridge in Mitrovica and regular patrols in the surrounding areas", KFOR said in response to Kosovo Online. 

KFOR Commander visits Gazivode lake (Kosovo Online, social media)

KFOR Commander Major General Ozkan Ulutas visited Gazivode lake yesterday and spoke with KFOR Latvian members who are patrolling this area, Kosovo Online portal reported.

“Today, the Commander of the #NATO-led #KFOR mission, Major General Özkan Ulutaş, met with a Latvian patrol unit on duty at Ujman/Gazivoda Lake. KFOR is closely monitoring any security development and maintains an agile and flexible posture across Kosovo, in line with its UN mandate. Major General Ulutaş expressed his appreciation to Latvian soldiers for their continued contributions to KFOR's efforts”, reads Tuesday's post on KFOR Facebook page, adding that the Mission continues to implement its mandate based on UN SC Resolution 1244 of 1999. 

Kosovo police arrests Serb for alleged spreading of racial and religious hatred (Tanjug, media)

Pristina authorities arrested a Serb man at the Merdare crossing point on Monday evening for alleged spreading of racial and religious hatred, the Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija said in a statement, Tanjug news agency reported. Belgrader Sasa Z, 39, was on his way to the Staro Gracko village near Lipljan, where he was to take part in a memorial football tournament commemorating the 25th anniversary of the 1999 Staro Gracko massacre, in which 14 Serb harvesters were killed. Following arrest he was sent to 48-hour detention.

"He was apprehended under the pretext that he was disseminating content on social media networks that the Pristina authorities do not like and criticising the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army, for which he has been accused of allegedly spreading racial and religious hatred", the statement said. “Rather than arrest and prosecute the perpetrators of the monstrous crime, for which no one has been called to account to date, Pristina and Albin Kurti have arrested a Serb who has gone to a sports event to pay a tribute to the victims”, the statement added.

It also said that “while Pristina is glorifying Faton Hajrizi, a terrorist and a criminal who has killed a Serbian policeman on duty, while Pristina officials are openly threatening the Serbs, while the killers of Serbs walk free in Kosovo and Metohija, Pristina is arresting Serbs over footage on social media networks”. The Office for KiM added it expects the international community to engage on this case and use their authority and mandates to prevent the latest Serb arrested from becoming another victim of Pristina authorities because of stated opinion and exercised freedom of speech.

Serbian List: Serbs persecuted over verbal delicts, while no one is held responsible for crimes against Serbs (media)

Following the arrest of Sasa Z. at Merdare crossing point by Kosovo police on Monday evening because of his criticism of KLA on social networks, Serbian List in its reaction said that even verbal delict “has become a tool for institutional pressure and persecution of Serbs in Kosovo”, Kosovo Online portal reported. Sasa Z. was on his way to Staro Gracko village to attend a memorial football tournament commemorating 14 Serb harvesters killed in this village, near Lipljan, 25 years ago.

Serbian List said Serbs are getting arrested “even on their way to pay tribute to their innocent compatriots in Staro Gracko, a place of one of the worst crimes in those areas and that in front of eyes of international community”, adding it is particularly irritating because Pristina uses everything possible to mistreat the Serbs, but does nothing to identify those who committed serious crimes against the Serbs.

The Serbian List said the most responsible for spreading religious and ethnic hatred in Kosovo are “Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and Interior Minister Xhelal Svecla” and therefore they should be “the first on the list for arrests”. “We claim it with responsibility that apart from Albin Kurti and Xhelal Svecla there is no person more responsible for spreading religious and national hatred, and for complete destruction of inter-ethnic relations in Kosovo and Metohija, and if that is ground for arrests, they should be the first ones on the list for arrests”.   

Staro Gracko - Waiting for Justice: Two and a half decades since murder of 14 harvesters (Kosovo Online)

"It was nice to live in Staro Gracko until 1999", recall the residents of this village near Lipljan, but then, they say, evil came. First the bombing, and then an even greater evil - the murder of 14 harvesters, after which nothing in this place has been the same, Kosovo Online portal reported yesterday on the 25th anniversary of this crime.

Staro Gracko was one of the most organised villages before the bombing, teacher Zoran Cirkovic said.

"People were mostly engaged in agriculture, worked in companies, and lived very well. There were many intellectuals, doctors, engineers, teachers... And then came the evil, the war, and after the war, an even greater evil, so we are all still in some kind of stupor, in fear. We mourn what you see, and that's what this village is about for now", he said while pointing to the monument  dedicated to murdered harvesters.

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Investigative journalism or intimidation of journalists? (KoSSev)

The Kosovo Journalists’ Association has repeatedly, as recently as Monday, appealed to Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti and his ruling Self-Determination Movement to refrain from “unacceptable campaigns“ aimed at “intimidating journalists“ in Kosovo from doing their job, KoSSev portal writes.

Published as the “first part of exclusive findings“, authored by an unnamed “Investigative Team of Slobodna Bosna“, the article titled “THE BIGGEST SECRET OF VUČIĆ’S (SR)BIA (I): What the President of Serbia Hid from Scholz and Why Dodik Couldn’t Restrain Himself…“ was allegedly published yesterday afternoon on the RTK portal, and subsequently shared by two Self-Determination MPs on social media with screenshots.

What “Slobodna Bosna“ wrote?

The article penned by this unnamed group of “researchers'' discusses the intentions of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic regarding the background of lithium excavation. In a highlighted section, it also touches on alleged findings about Vucic’s influence on the media in Kosovo.

Although presented as an investigative piece, it lacks the necessary elements for journalistic investigative reporting. Instead, it is written in a propagandist and tabloid tone, the KoSSev added.

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UK Ambassador visits northern Kosovo (Kosovo Online, social media)

UK Ambassador in Pristina, Jonathan Hargreaves visited three northern Kosovo municipalities yesterday and met with representatives of the Serbian community, adding it was useful for him to hear concerns and hopes of the community, Kosovo Online portal reported.

“Enjoyed my visit to Zubin Potok, Leposavic and northern Mitrovica today. So helpful to listen to the concerns and hopes of the Kosovo Serb community. Looking forward to many more visits to the area”, he wrote in a post on Facebook account. 

International Media

‘Smashing the Patriarchy’: Anibar Film Festival provides possibilities for equality (Prishtina Insight)

In its fifteenth edition, the Anibar International Animation Festival, in Kosovo’s town of Peja, urges citizens to raise their voices against patriarchal oppression.

Park Karagaç in Peja bears a quiet power. Its unassuming nature, containing only a basketball court, playground, and lake theatre, belies the significance of the venue. The laidback outdoor setting creates familiarity and comfort amongst visitors, bearing stark similarities to Woodstock ‘69, ranging from the rebellious spirit, outdoor venue, and music choices of the Anibar International Animation Festival organisers, being held at Park Karagaç from the 15th to the 21st.

The Film Festival showcases different types of animated movies from filmmakers around the world, all unified to one central theme of ‘Smashing the Patriarchy’. Anibar has always promoted progressive ideals through their work, with last year’s celebration covering LGBTQ equality.

“Our festival is a sanctuary for radical imagination, where the status quo is challenged, and new progressive ideas are supported,” organisers had written in the official announcement of the festival.

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