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Families seeking the right for truth and justice (KIM Radio)

The Association of Families of Kidnapped and Missing, on the anniversary of the March pogrom, marked seventeen years since the beginning of killing and kidnapping of Serbs in Kosovo. In front of the monument MISSING in Gracanica, representatives of the Association of Kidnapped and Missing persons reminded that still it is not known the fate of 525 people. 

One of the representatives of the Association Milena Parlić has asked the international community in Kosovo to enable families to learn the truth about their missing family members. 

At the same time members of the Association of Families of Kidnapped and Murdered Serbs in Kosovo in front of "Serbian wailing wall", opposite the War Crimes Prosecutor’s office in Belgrade, marked 17 years since the first attack on Serbian policemen and civilians in Kosovo in 1998, and 11 years since the March violence in Kosovo. 

President of the Association Simo Spasic said that the families of the missing and kidnapped Serbs empathize with the victims of 17 March 2004, but do not want to allow forgetting the victims who went missing before 2004. 

He added that the families of the victims expected that Serbian Prosecution will do more, but they know "that they are helpless, as well as families of missing," and demanded from the Prosecution to appeal for urgent opening of the Special Court for KLA war crimes. 

The deputy War Crimes Prosecutor, Bruno Vekaric, said that the photos of victims in front of the Prosecution Office oblige everybody to give answers to the families. "A large number of people were probably killed. Our goal is to find them and to find those who have committed crimes. We're searching for 115 perpetrators of these crimes," said Vekaric.