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Dialogue: Telephone code to Pristina and license to ‘Telekom’ (Vecernje Novosti)

Belgrade and Pristina could already today, during the new round of dialogue in Brussels, reach an agreement or significant shift with regard to the telephone code for Kosovo and operation of  ‘Telekom’ in the southern Serbian province, learned Novosti.

Solution, over which our side and the EU have agreed, is that our side applies for another international telephone code, which would be ceded to Pristina, whereas Kosovo officials should find legal solution in order the Serbian operator ‘Telekom’ is supplied with the license for mobile and land line telephone operation.

Besides the telecommunication, issues of energy and creation of the Association/Community of Serb municipalities will be on the agenda of today’s meeting in Brussels between Serbian and Kosovo prime ministers, Aleksandar Vucic and Isa Mustafa, facilitated by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini.

Pristina’s delegation will insist on removal of the Park of Peace from the main bridge that divides North and South Mitrovica, about which respective mayors should reach the final agreement.

Novosti learned that Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija has prepared a detailed report on so far progress in normalization of relations with Pristina, which is due to be presented upon the return of Serbian delegation from Brussels. The document apparently claims that Serbia has met all obligations deriving from the Brussels Agreement, and that it is now up to Pristina to fulfill its obligations with regard to creation of the A/CSM.