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President violates Constitution: Possible procedure for the dismissal of Nikolic (Blic)

Platform of the President Tomislav Nikolic on Kosovo is not in accordance with the Serbian Constitution, it is unenforceable and for political daily use.

The president's platform is contrary to the highest act of Serbia. Interlocutors of Blic agree in this, who assess, at the very least, as unrealistic the proposals of the President of Serbia, that Autonomous Province of Kosovo and Metohija has the power as under the 1974 Constitution, as well as that the laws of Serbia apply only in northern Kosovo, while the south of the Ibar the result would be a "tacit independence of the Republic of Kosovo."

-In this case, he was not thinking about the Constitution, but about the proposals which would put him above Vucic. Until now, several resolutions on Kosovo were passed which were for nothing, or did not have any use, so why not having one more? It is not possible, today in 2015, to return to the Constitution of four decades ago. Also, on one territory two different systems, it is impossible. The resolution was written for political purposes. There was not much of thinking here about the Constitution, or what is applicable and what is not - says Vice President of Democratic Party (DS), Borislav Stefanovic, who was once Belgrade's chief negotiator in technical dialogue with Pristina.

He believes that this move of Nikolic may give reason to institute proceedings for his dismissal from the post of President of Serbia for violating the Constitution.

President of Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS), Sanda Raskovic Ivic said that now "may be the last chance for Nikolic to make one honest platform, since in 2012 he capitulated when he had proposed something similar."

- If we want Kosovo under the Constitution of 1974, then Vojvodina must be the same as Kosovo, so practically from Serbia we make three countries, which is a disaster. Nikolic respects the so-called political reality whereby in northern KiM all was under laws of Serbia, up until the Brussels Treaty, when they handed over everything to the other side. I cannot agree with Nikolic's proposals - said Raskovic Ivic.

A lawyer from the Centre on Policy, Dragan Popovic explained that whatever is proposed as a solution regarding Kosovo, it will not be in accordance with the Constitution.

- Everyone has the right to request amendment of the Constitution and proposes a variety of things, and it is not punishable. However, it is inconvenient that it comes from the President of the Republic - said Popovic, who warns that any proposal for the status of Kosovo would not be consistent with the current Constitution.