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Next round of Kosovo talks "to be crucial for chapters" (Beta, Tanjug, B92)

The next round of Kosovo talks on June 23 "will be crucial for normalization of relations and opening of (EU) negotiating chapters for Serbia this year."

This is what European Parliament Rapporteur for Serbia David McAllister said in Belgrade on Monday.

"In order to open the first chapter this year both sides will have to demonstrate progress and the next round of dialogue in Brussels will be crucial for normalization of relations between Belgrade and Pristina," he said at the Serbian Economic Summit, according to a Beta agency report.

The German MEP also "pointed out that the agreement reached on the judiciary in northern Kosovo was a major breakthrough and should be implemented."

"Both Belgrade and Pristina should make further steps in normalization of relations, in order to demonstrate commitment and credibility," said McAllister, adding that "there are still many open issues."

He stressed the importance of regional cooperation as one of the key elements of European integrations in this part of the Balkans.

The gathering in Belgrade today discussed whether the countries of the Western Balkans will enter the EU separately, or if "it will be waited until several of them meet the conditions."

Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Michael Davenport said that when it comes to progress in European integration, each country is looked at separately.

He pointed out that Montenegro has made the most progress towards the EU and that he hoped that Serbia, which has fallen behind slightly, will soon catch up, while "all other countries are lagging behind."

Davenport added that the EU will not wait for all countries to join at the same time.

Speaking about regional cooperation, he pointed out that the recent visits of Serbian and Albanian prime ministers to Tirana and Belgrade represented "a very positive sign," and that "cooperation between Serbia and Albania could become a model of good relations in the Balkans."