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Ivanović: Kosovo government to step down until the spring (Novi Magazin)

“Kosovo government will most probably succumb to pressure which is of extra-institutional nature,” said Ivanović in an interview to Belgrade-based New Magazin, and added that Kosovo government will be brought down because they won’t be able to settle vital issues and difficult problems that bother population in Kosovo, rather than actions of the opposition parties. He further said that he is sure that “until May next year there will be extraordinary elections in Kosovo because this government can’t survive”.

Ivanović reflected on the creation of the A/CSM and said that Serbs see the A/CSM as an instrument that will provide additional safety to them, since Kosovo Constitution and Ahtisaari’s plan are a sort of guarantee but Serbs have no trust in them.

“My example is very educational. I am quite convinced that this process is closely followed and by international representatives, our state and population. People frequently ask exactly this question – what can happen to them if this is happening to me and other four indicted persons? This impression will be hard to erase,” said Ivanović.

He further said that it is about the momentum when the European Union should think over about what they want in Kosovo, because “what we have now is for sure not something that will help us”. “We, foremost Serbs, have looked at EULEX with great expectations, what is understandable since there is no mutual trust between Serbs and Albanians, and it is not from yesterday, but for decades now. It is logical that there is no trust in judiciary either, and this can’t be easily overcome, we need a third side, international court, but not any kind of it,” said Ivanović, and added that if EU wants to help in establishing strong local judiciary they should send the best people to Kosovo, who won’t be dealing with politics.