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Kocijancic: EU member states to decide on Chapter 35 (Politika)

European Commission has forwarded the draft platform to EU member states along with the recommendation for the Chapter to be opened, and it is up to member states to propose eventual amendments and decide on the opening of the chapter, said spokesperson of the EU High Representative Maja Kocijancic, who also speaks in behalf of the EU Commissioner for Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn.

Kocijancic explained that it is about the document that contains a review of what has been reached so far in the course of the Brussels dialogue, what was implemented and what remains to be implemented. She refused to comment on whether the dialogue is carried out between Belgrade and Pristina, or between Serbia and Kosovo as it allegedly writes in the platform.
“There is only one dialogue and one High Representative who facilitates the dialogue,” said Kocijancic and added that she has nothing more to add to it.

Content of the joint negotiation EU platform for Chapter 35, which was not published yet, and refers to the process of normalization, has caused fierce protests of Serbian officials, among the others and due to formulation that the dialogue is held between two states, what prejudges the status of Kosovo.

Besides this, Belgrade has voiced and harsh remarks with regard to other parts of the draft that refer to energy, crossing at the administrative line and use of state symbols, where proposed solutions are contrary to the status neutral position of the EU over Kosovo’s status.

Chapter 35, according to the last year European Council’s conclusions should be among first chapters to open, and among last to be closed, whereas overall progress in of Serbia in the EU accession process depends on the progress in this particular chapter.