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Davenport receives delegation of families of kidnapped and missing (Tanjug, TV Most)

The head of the EU Delegation to Serbia Michael Davenport received a delegation of the Association of families of kidnapped and missing persons in Kosovo and Metohija, headed by the chairperson of the Association, Simo Spasić. Association introduced Davenport with problems with regard to kidnapped, missing and murdered persons in period 1998-2000 and in 2004 in Kosovo and Meothija, and presented data on numbers of victims and information on their abductions and murder.

Representatives of the Association stressed that 17 years have passed after all those crimes have been committed and that none of perpetrators has been brought to justice, and voiced expectation that the special court for the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) crimes will be established as soon as possible. In a statement Association said that Davenport expressed deep understanding for the problems presented and voiced hope that they will together come to truth and justice.
