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Father Sava: We do not trust the police (KiM radio)

Abbot of Visoki Decani Monastery, Father Sava Janjic, believes that the security, political and economic situation in Kosovo is extremely unstable. An additional element of instability is the rising Islamic fundamentalism, which poses a threat to all inhabitants of Kosovo. "I think that regional cooperation on all safety measures is very important to minimizing risk. Premises that are particularly sensitive, should be better protected," said Father Sava.

Sava Janjic believes it is very important that KFOR remain in Kosovo. He says that after the last incident, Diocese representatives will request that KFOR troops protect Serb sanctuaries, because they don’t trust Kosovo Police. "A year and a half ago, an Islamist incident occurred in Pec Patriarchate and was covered up. It was not investigated, nor was it officially reported. A high ranked police officer confirmed to us that the incident was never filed in an official police report. I don't think this is the way problems can be solved. It is very important that the public gets transparent information about what is going on, so that we do not get blamed for inventing things, or, as we were once accused of, for creating the problems ourselves," stated Abbot Sava.