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Istok/Istog: Unemployment and property usurpation the biggest problems of Serbs (KIM radio)

The Serbian List MPs visited the municipality of Istok/Istog where they met with local representatives and the return officer Vesna Maliković.

As announced by the Serbian List, usurpation of land and unemployment are the biggest problems faced by Serbs living in this municipality.

"There are problems of theft of private property, mainly cattle and agricultural machinery, that have been recorded and which are very frequent. In addition, the usurpation of land and unemployment are the problems that plague the Serbian community in the municipality of Istok," says the statement of the Serbian list.

Officer for return, Vesna Maliković states that these problems particularly affect Serbs who live in this municipality, because farming and livestock breeding are their main sources of incomes.

According Maliković, this municipality has a population of 2 300 Serb returnees. Since the beginning of this year 17 families have returned and by the end of this year the return of another 30 families is expected.