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Đurić: We seek conditions for a peaceful and safe life of Serbs (KIM radio, Dnevnik)

Director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija says, in an interview with Dnevnik,  daily based in Novi Sad, that the goal of the Brussels-based dialogue is a new climate in the region.

This indicates that the Albanian side will no longer be able to push certain issues under the rug such as property.

-The process of normalization of relations with Pristina is part of our efforts to create a region where people, goods and services will effectively circulate, instead of a region that will be a conduit for hatred and conflicts. In the process, our demands are not unreasonable and maximalist, we seek a quiet, safe and dignified life for Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija - Đjurić said.

He notes that the Association/Community of Serb Municipalities (ZSO) is an instrument for achieving this goal, adding that reasons of the Albanian politicians in Pristina, to obstruct the formation of the ZSO, are solely political. Therefore Đurić expects the Albanian politicians to turn to reason and policy of cooperation, in the near future, as it is in the interests of both Serbs and Albanians in Kosovo.

Djuric believes that it is good that the Serbs in Kosovo decided to speak out as an interested party on the issue of "Trepča", as this will, in his words, increase the chance to reach a solution based on law and international standards.

-Serbia continuously expresses a willingness to talk about property in Brussels because it is the only framework in which we can come to a mutually acceptable and thus sustainable solution. Pristina has stubbornly refused so far to talk about the property, but I believe they will not be able much longer to have blind eye to the fact that without the Serbs and Serbia cannot be decided about the property of Serbs and the Serbian state. The current situation is deterring investors and stifles economic activity in Kosovo, and Pristina will not be able to push under the carpet this problem - said Đurić.