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"Montenegro and Kosovo in dispute over Serbian territory" (B92, Sputnik)

Montenegro has unfortunately recognized Kosovo as independent, and now Podgorica and Pristina are in dispute over a piece of territory that belongs to neither.

This is what Milovan Drecun (SNS), chairman of the Serbian Assembly's Committee on Kosovo and Metohija, has told Sputnik.

Instead this territory - the subject of a contentious demarcation agreement - belongs to the Republic of Serbia, Drecun said.

Kosovo's government on Thursday withdrew a draft law designed to ratify the agreement, as Serb List members of the Kosovo Assembly failed to show up. A day earlier they announced they would not take part in the session for security reasons.

During that time, protesters gathered near the parliament building noisily and with chants and shouts of "victory!" welcomed the news that the draft had been withdrawn from the agenda. There were no incidents, Sputnik is reporting.

"Security of those who belong to a community other than Albanian is always threatened, primarily we are talking about the Serb people. The anger of demonstrators during such protests can be directed toward non-Albanians, that is, toward Serbs, and simply, there is always the risk that this kind of protest can turn into violence and endanger the safety of everyone," he told the Russian agency.