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A Serb from the village Grnčare beaten up (KIM radio)

A Serb G.P. from the village Grnčare, near Vitina/Viti, was beaten on Friday night. He is located at the Hospital in Pristina in intensive care unit.

Kosovo police, in its regular report for the media on daily incidents from Friday, confirms there had been a quarrel in connection with the car in which one person has been physically attacked, and that the person has sustained "slight body injuries".

Although in these reports police commonly indicates the gender and ethnicity of the participants and victims of the incident, in this case there was no such information.

However, according to local sources, as reports KIM radio, who have insisted on anonymity, the Serb men from the village of Grnčare has been allegedly beaten by three Albanians from the village of Mogila. Supposedly one of the attackers had owed money to G.P. for a car which he sold to him.

According to the same source beaten man was transferred to the Vitina/Viti hospital, and from there due to injuries and internal bleeding to Pristina hospital, opposite to the police report, the locals claim that he had suffered serious injuries.