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Police denies that buses were stoned in the village Labljane (KIM radio)

Kosovo police spokesman for the region of Gnjilane/Gjilan Ismet Hashani told RTV KIM that this morning in Labljane no buses with Serbs were stoned.

"No it is not true that any bus was stoned in Labljane," says Hashani.

-No, it is not true that any bus was stoned in the village Labljane. It is true that the road was blocked for about 40 minutes and that no one could pass, and during that time the traffic was stopped. Kosovo police went to the scene and during the conversation with people who blocked traffic, an agreement was reached to clear the road and now we have the normal flow of traffic, says Hashani.

Hashani did not answer the question of who are the organizers of roadblocks, but said that the aim was to prevent the way for those who were going to the SNS rally in Leposavić/Leposaviq.

He said police are investigating the event and will inform the public about everything.