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Ultimatum of the ''Ali Hadri'' historians for the Visoki Dečani monastery: Return the land; we will block the roads towards the monastery (KoSSev)

Web portal KoSSev reported today about the statement of the Association of historians ''Ali Hadri'' concerning the Visoki Dečani monastery and the property issue.

If by April 21 the Kosovo Government does not withdraw the decision of the Agency for Privatization on declaring the property of companies "APIKO" and "Illyria" as a particular national treasure, association of historians "Ali Hadri" shall block the roads towards the monastery of Visoki Dečani.

The escalation of the security situation will not be our responsibility - said people from this society. Kossev cited Kosovo media, which reported that it was an ultimatum.

Kosovo's Constitutional Court last year upheld the ownership of the monastery over 24 hectares of land that was previously socially owned by ''APIKO'' and ''Illyria'', and which was the subject of litigation 16 years. The Visoki Dečani Monastery is very concerned about this statement. The Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) sees this as a threat to the monastery and the monks.

"If by that date, the Government does not take any action, then the society 'Ali Hadri', its branch in Deçan, will organize blockage of roads leading to the Decani monastery - the monastery that still does not accept the new reality in Kosovo and in this institution is increasing propaganda against the state of Kosovo. Also, we repeat, the staff in Deçani has made all this turmoil," this association stated.

"Any escalation of the security situation in Deçani after 21 April 2017, will not be our responsibility, it will be the responsibility of the central institutions in Kosovo that did not even want to hear about this problem in Deçani".