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Margarita Simonan – Yesterday Kosovo, today China and Russia (Sputnjik)

The media are able to change entire destinies of people, heads of states, sometimes borders, and Kosovo is the best example of it. Secession would not have been possible without tendentious articles from all the world media about the conflict in Yugoslavia, stated Editor-in-Chief of Sputnik daily and TV Russia Today, Margarita Simonan, Belgrade-based Sputnjik daily reported. She made these remarks addressing Russian and Chinese Presidents, as well as members of their delegations. “Not a single war started without “heavy artillery” support from the media, and not a single battle took place without well-thought plan of “shelling” by TV stations, radio and online media. She also assessed that Russia and China are permanent victims of informative attacks and “fake news” are ready by millions of people in the West. In such situation Russia and China need to stick to each other as it is not only the matter of co-operation but of survival too.