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Unclear when the first phase of the dialogue in Kosovo has ended (Danas)

The statement of the Prime Minister of Serbia Ana Brnabić on establishment of working group for the second phase of the internal dialogue produces a certain ambiguities in the interpretation of this process, as it is not clear when the dialogue has started and how at all it can reach the second phase, writes daily Danas.

Political analyst Dušan Janjić says to Danas daily that the expression second phase of the internal dialogues is not suitable to use, as there was no such dialogue, unless we take into account Vučić's letter to daily Blic and the reactions to the same. Janjić says that a monologue is conducted mainly on the political scene of Serbia.

Janjić interprets the establishment of a new working group in the Serbian government as the execution of a task entrusted to the prime minister by the president of Serbia.

He told Danas that Prime Minister was given the task of creating administrative-bureaucratic prerequisites for four rounds of consultation. Janjić says that there is no dialogue, and the so-called second phase consists of consultations with the logistical support of Ana Brnabic and active propaganda of the media team from the presidency with the direct control of Aleksandar Vučić and explains that the task force is here to record and transmit to the president the opinions of people on this issue.

Janjić does not expect much from the announcement of talks to be held across Serbia, as he says that everything must end in October and that the whole process will not be different from what the government is already doing.

- So far, public debates on this topic have resembled a circus, with several major conferences in regional centers, freely giving opinions via the site and a few spectacular conferences attended by the prime minister and the president. These public debates lead to the listing of the opinions of those who want to participate and this is some step forward. But this is not a dialogue as it was announced - says Janjić.

The statement by Ilir Deda, deputy of Kosovo Assembly, that "the third phase of the dialogue will last two years, because 2019 begins planning of a new EU budget that has given Serbia and Montenegro signals that in 2025 would be able to join," Janjić assesses as the correct interpretation of what was written in the materials of David Phillips from the Institute for Human Rights Studies of the American University of Columbia.

- What Ilir Deed mentioned would be very good for Serbia, to close one circle, but I am afraid that international circumstances, as well as internal ones in Kosovo and Serbia, are much more complicated. I interpret this opinion as one preferred scheme and outcome, but I am afraid that it will not come to the realization of these goals and deadlines - said Janjić, adding that in the foreseeable future he sees the finalization of the negotiations, but not the final solution.

Kosovo to disappear from the Constitution and the laws because of Chapter 35

"The final solution does not exist and Serbia is not obligated to recognize Kosovo. We are bound by the negotiating framework for Chapter 35 and Serbia in order to join the EU must negotiate all life issues and eventually sign this legally binding agreement. This means de facto that the laws and the Constitution of Serbia will not mention Kosovo any more, legal measures cannot be taken regarding the southern province and the establishment of demarcation, i.e. the establishment of a border line. In return, EU membership is obtained," Dušan Janjić concluded.