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Zubin Potok municipality condemned the attack (RTK2, Kossev)

The attack on the homes of Serb members of the Kosovo Security Forces, this morning was "harshly" condemned by the municipality of Zubin Potok, describing it as a "act of vandalism", reports RTK2.

Although this municipality stresses in its statement that it "basically does not agree with the engagement of the local population in the KSF", and that it "strongly opposes more and more often announced formation of the so-called Kosovo Army, that is, the transformation of KSF into the Army of Kosovo", this municipality at the same time advocates for peace and security all of its citizens, reports RTK2.

"The fact is that with the possible withdrawal from the KSF would be reduce the space for the operation of the extremists," explains the municipality of Zubin Potok.

This municipality invites the police to commit superhuman efforts and find the perpetrators

"At this time, we appeal to police officers to commit superhuman efforts in order to find the perpetrators of this act as soon as possible and to bring them to justice and punish them for the offense," the municipality stressed.