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Dacic to TV Prva: “Whatever happens Serbs are to blame, we have no information” (Serbian media)

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Ivica Dacic told Prva TV “for Pristina authorities the Serbs are always to blame.”

Dacic added he has no information that would confirm accusations of the Kosovo FM Behgjet Pacolli who claims that diplomatic office of Pristina in Copenhagen was attacked by the Serbian citizens in Denmark.

Vulin: Haradinaj "trying to provoke conflict with Serbs" (B92, RTS, Beta, Tanjug)

"The provisional Pristina institutions PM saying that the so-called 'Kosovo Army' could enter the north of Kosovo is a threat to the entire region's peace," stated Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin.

He told the public broadcaster, RTS, that the Serbian Army was "confident, strong and capable of preserving peace and stability throughout the country."

Serbia’s Interior Minister warns Kosovo Premier not to even think of violence (N1, Tanjug, Srna)

Serbia’s Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic warned the Kosovo Prime Minister, Ramush Haradinaj, not to even think of using force against Serbs in Kosovo, because Serbia will know how to respond.

Commenting on Haradinaj’s statement that "Kosovo’s army would be deployed to the north if the border is threatened," Stefanovic said that this clearly shows how nervous Haradinaj is.

Vucic: Serbs from Kosovo requested a permission to leave all Kosovo institutions (N1, Serbian media)

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that the representatives of the Kosovo Serbs, both from the south and from the north, asked from him
to leave all the Kosovo institutions and added that he asked them to wait for an answer for a maximum of 45 days, in order to have the opportunity to speak with the Chinese President and other world leaders.

Novosti: “Ramush fantasizes about squad of Serbs” (Vecernje Novosti, B92)

Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti in an article published on Monday, refutes claims of the Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj, who said that around 40 Serbs from Pomoravlje region applied to join the Kosovo army.

The daily further writes only two Serbs from the village of Gornje Kusce have applied. It also reported on a statement of Novo Brdo mayor Svetislav Ivanovic, who said that all Serb members of the Kosovo Security Forces (KSF) from the area have left the KSF last year, with exception of two or three officers.

Vucic urges Serbs in Kosovo not to join "Albanian army" (Tanjug, B92)

Albanians want to include as many Serbs from Kosovo Pomoravlje as possible into the Kosovo army, President Aleksandar Vucic said on Friday. And he urged the Serbs not to do that.

Vucic made his comments after a meeting in the Raska Disctrict with officials of the Serb List, a political organization in Kosovo that gathers Serbs.

He said that he told them Serbia and the Serbs cannot survive if they go against each other and asked them not to join or participate in the Albanian army in Kosovo and Metohija (KiM). "We will see if the Serbs will respond or not," he added.

"Thaci made promise to NATO in 2013 regarding North" (FRE, B92)

Hashim Thaci promised to NATO in 2013 that the KSF will not go to the north of Kosovo "without the consent of KFOR," Radio Free Europe said it learned. NATO sources explained that there was an exchange of letters between the-then Prime Minister Hashim Thaci and former Secretary General Andreas Fogh Rasmussen.

Russia reacts on Britain accepting “Kosovo army” (RTS, TASS, Tanjug)

Commenting on a statement of British Ambassador to UN, Karen Pierce, who at the latest UNSC session on Kosovo said that “Pristina has a right to have an army,” Russian Embassy in London reacted assessing that the Great Britain and other Western states ignore the threat that forming of the so-called Kosovo army could represent to the Serbian population in Kosovo and Metohija.

"Serbia-NATO action plan to be supplemented" (Tanjug, European Western Balkans)

The final stage of preparation is currently under way to adopt the second cycle of the Individual Partnership Action Plan (IPAP) between Serbia and NATO, Tanjug news agency reports.

It is the highest mechanism of NATO cooperation with partner countries, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia in charge of security issues Branimir Filipovic said.