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Serbia’s Interior Minister warns Kosovo Premier not to even think of violence (N1, Tanjug, Srna)

Serbia’s Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic warned the Kosovo Prime Minister, Ramush Haradinaj, not to even think of using force against Serbs in Kosovo, because Serbia will know how to respond.

Commenting on Haradinaj’s statement that "Kosovo’s army would be deployed to the north if the border is threatened," Stefanovic said that this clearly shows how nervous Haradinaj is.

"My message to him is not to even think of violence od some offensives against the Kosovo Serbs, because we will know how to respond," Stefanovic told Tanjug news agency.

Northern Kosovo is mostly populated by ethnic Serbs and Kosovo’s armed forces can only enter this territory with KFOR and the local community’s approval.

One of the possible unofficial solutions to this issue is the exchange of territories between Serbia and Kosovo, which is allegedly being discussed in the normalisation dialogue between the two sides.

According to this proposal, the northern part of Kosovo which is mostly populated by Serbs would belong to Serbia, and Serbia’s southern municipalities in the Presevo valley, which are populated mainly by Albanians, would be handed over to Kosovo.

In spite of no official confirmation of such a proposal, there are speculations that both Serbian and Kosovo presidents are in favour of that idea, but the Kosovo Prime Minister is strictly against this.

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