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Sheholli on demarcation: Some members of the Serbian List will change their attitude (RTK2)

Political analyst Fatmir Sheholli told Info magazine that he is certain that some members of the Serbian List will change their position and that they will vote for the ratification of the law on the demarcation of the border with Montenegro, reports RTK2.

He says that the position of the Serbian List is completely contrary to the wishes and expectations of the Serbs in Kosovo, and that in this way, it is controlled and dictated by Belgrade.

Sheholli states that the Serbian List will attend the session of the Assembly of Kosovo, but also that they have set a condition, the creation of the Association/Community of Serb Municipalities.

Sheholi emphasizes that he expects the international pressure on Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic to positively reflect on the ratification of the Agreement on demarcation of the border with Montenegro.

"I am convinced that Aleksandar Vucic is under international pressure to regulate this issue. It is illogical for citizens to be deprived of their freedom of movement due to several conditions that are part of the dialogue in Brussels. Because the Community cannot be formed tomorrow.''

He believes that the Serbian List is not unique in stating that it will not vote for the demarcation of the border with Montenegro.

"The Serbian list is not unique in the attitude that it will not vote for demarcation, which means that the Serbian deputies, who are in the third term, know the importance of this issue well, and will act accordingly. Because citizens want this, so they will vote for it, those two or three votes, how much is needed. They will vote because otherwise they will be linked to the influence of Russia. I believe that tonight or tomorrow morning, Kosovo will be happy because of the good news, because of the international community's influence on the Serbian List. "

For the previous opposition to the vote, Sheholli accuses Marko Djuric, Director of the Office for KiM, and says that about 100,000 Serbs living in Kosovo, 85%, want demarcation to be voted in the Kosovo Assembly, reports RTK2.