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Matic: Soon the investigation of the fate of missing and killed journalists in Kosovo (Insajder, KIM radio, Kossev)

Director of the B92 Fund and the President of the Commission for the Investigation of Journalist Murdered in Serbia, Veran Matic, said that in the following months, as a consultant to the OSCE mission in Pristina, he would work on a proposal for the formation of a Commission to deal with the cases of 14 killed and missing journalists in Kosovo in the period from 1998 to 2005, reports the Belgrade based portal Insajder.

"We have agreed with the representatives of the OSCE these days that we will work on investigating the fate of missing and killed journalists in the next few months and try to collect the documentation," Matic said in TV show ''Slobodno Srpski'' the production of the Media Center from Caglavica.

So far, no one has requested this documentation, and in the opinion of Matic, it must exist in certain cases, in the Serbian, or Yugoslav authorities, and with international organizations - UNMIK, EULEX, OSCE.

"The outcome of this process should be a proposal on how the work on investigating these murders will continue. Whether it will be a commission, which would be modeled by the one we have in Belgrade, or will be somewhat modified because of the specificity of the situation here, we will see it, most probably it will have to to be an international body with a serious authority in the world of journalism," said Matic.

A year ago, Matic presented the OSCE's investigative report on the killing of journalists in Serbia at a conference on the security of journalists in Pristina, organized by the OSCE, and its results. Since then, talks have been held between Matic and the OSCE representatives on how one could move in terms of clarifying the cases of killed and missing journalists in Kosovo, reports Insajder.

One of the conclusions of this conference was the launch of an initiative to form a commission to deal with the cases of killed and missing journalists, which was then supported by journalistic associations that gather Serbian and Albanian journalists.