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Đurić: Not even outlines of legally binding agreement are known (Radio Kosovska Mitrovica, Der Standard)

Serbian Government Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director, Marko Đurić pointed out that in relations between Belgrade and Pristina, a permanent and sustainable solution is needed for the stability of this part of Europe.

In an interview for Vienna based “Der Standard” Marko Đurić also said that if a referendum takes place, it will not be regarding a question on Kosovo’s independence. He recalled that an internal dialogue on Kosovo has already been launched in Serbia, involving hundreds of experts from all fields.

Đurić said participants at these roundtables often presented conflicting views, and “this format showed the complexity of the problem we are facing”.

“There were, however, a couple of interesting proposals, which until now could not be heard in public. It is decisive that the dialogue on Kosovo and Metohija was revived in wider circles as a national issue, not as a problem of political elites or parties in power,” Đurić told the newspaper.

As for the legally binding agreement with Pristina, Đurić said Belgrade has no idea on the kind of outline that such a document should have, nor can it predict what the EU implies.

“It is clear that the EU has no clear stance on the issue of unilaterally proclaimed Kosovo independence, which can be seen from the Enlargement Strategy for the Western Balkans,” Durić said.

According to “Der Standard”, this historic agreement, which would supposedly resolve all the disputable issues between Belgrade and Pristina, should be reached by the end of the mandate of current European Commission - next year.

Standard also pointed out that the Head of European diplomacy, Federica Mogherini is in charge of the legally binding agreement, and reminds that she recently said that she saw Belgrade and Pristina’s resolve to sign this agreement next year.