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Brnabic: Kosovo cannot stop Serbia’s road to EU (Novi Magazin, N1)

Serbian Prime Minister, Ana Brnabic said in an interview to Novi Magazin that Kosovo issue cannot stop Serbia’s road to the EU, as according to her European integration is one story, and resolving relations with Pristina is something else.

“European Commission, respectively EU, do not recognize Kosovo independence, they are status neutral and have to be so, since five important EU member states do not and will not recognize self-declared Kosovo independence,” Brnabic said.

She added they expect from Serbia normalization of relations, they do not want to import conflicts to the EU, and normalization of relations can mean anything.

Brnabic said she believes that normalization of relations is in the interest of Serbia primarily, not because of the EU, but because of Serbia to finally find a long-term, sustainable solution.

According to her, Serbia must find strength to create peace and stability in Kosovo.

“It is extremely difficult, and I am deeply concerned (…). Serbia is the only one trying, and it seems to me, the only one that has the interest for a long-term peace and stability.”

She added that frozen conflict could last for decades, and it would not be good for Serbia.

Brnabic said she regrets that the EU is not stronger in its insisting to implement the Brussels agreement, since the EU is a guarantor of that agreement and it had to insist that its first topic, Association of the Serb Municipalities is implanted.

“From another side, from all talks I had with them, it does not seem the USA are ready for any flexible solution, and if you are not ready for a flexible solution, then it seems to me you are for maintaining the status quo and a frozen conflict,” Brnabic said.