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Brnabic “ready to sign what is necessary” (Serbian Media, VIP)

Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic said on Thursday that she would be ready to sign any document regarding arrangement of relations between Serbia and Kosovo if this would be for the benefit of Serbian citizens, but she got mad when it was suggested that this would mean that she would sing the legally-binding document that European Union and USA would expect of Serbia to accept it, Serbian media reported.

“I will fight every day to find the best possible solution for Kosovo. I will sign whatever is necessary in order to secure safety, safe future and prosperity to Serbian citizens”, Brnabic said in the Parliament while responding to the MP from the opposition People’s Party Miroslav Aleksic if she would be ready to sign a legally binding agreement with Kosovo.

Aleksic then ironically congratulated Brnabic for “admitting that she is ready to sign a legally-binding agreement”, after which Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic intervened and said that “neither the current Serbian President nor the current Government would sign any kind of agreement that would include a chair for Kosovo in the UN”.

Irritated by Aleksic’s provocation, Brnabic responded: “Why do you insist on me telling you what kind of agreement I will sign? You think that I will now, while we negotiate on the agreement of normalization of relations with Pristina, say what kind of agreement I will sign? If I tell you, then I have told everyone what the Government will do. That is not how it is done, this could be the way how you have done thing in your time when you have kept losing strategic points in diplomacy and in front of the International Court of Justice (ICJ)”, she said.

During the time of rule of Democratic Party, Serbia requested of ICJ an opinion about the unilaterally proclaimed Kosovo independence. The critics of former Serbian authorities believed that the formulation of the asked question was wronged and contributed to the fact that Serbia received a non-satisfactory reply from the institution.