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Dejan Slavic in detention up to 30 days (KIM radio, RTS, Blic, Politika, Vecernje Novosti)

The Basic Court in Pristina ordered detention up to 30 days to Dejan Slavic from Obilic on suspicion of allegedly committing a war crime against the civilian population during the Kosovo conflict, reports Serbian media.

Lawyer Nebojsa Vlajic, defense attorney for the arrested Slavic, told RTS that he received the court's decision on detention and that late on he would be able to give more details.

"Slavic has been visiting his hometown for years, where he lived until 2003. I did not see the indictment, except that it was alleged that he was indicted for a serious criminal offense," Vlajic says to the Belgrade based daily Politika.

Politika writes that Slavic, an EPS worker, is one of several dozen Serbs on the secret list of the MUP of Kosovo.

Politika adds that Slavic is the fifth Serb since August last year, who was arrested under the order of the Special Prosecutor's Office of Kosovo on suspicion of committing this serious criminal offense. In August, was arrested and released several months later from prison, Bogdan Mitrovic, from the village of Sopina near Suva Reka. Then, Milanka Terzic, from Begov Lukavac near Istok, was in house detention, to be released later, and the prosecutor gave up the indictment.

At the Brnjak crossing, last year in November, Darko Tasic from Mala Krusa near Orahovac, who is in the Podujevo prison, was arrested, and in March 2018, the Kosovo Police arrested Milorad Zajic from Klina, who is in house detention. Politika states that all these people are internally displaced in Serbia and that they have been visiting Kosovo without any problems for years.