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UNDP Public Pulse Analyses: 95% of Serbs do not feel safe in Kosovo (Kossev)

The latest six-month UNDP "Public Pulse" report was presented in Pristina, it showed that 95% of Serbs do not feel safe in Kosovo, reports RTV KiM.

In a survey conducted at the end of April, which covers the period from October last year to April this year, out of 210 Serb respondents, only 5% said they felt safe in the streets of Kosovo.

"The number of Serbs who declared feeling safe or very safe in Kosovo when on the streets is 5%. The percentage of those who declare not feeling safe is slightly higher, that is, 95%," said Atde Hetimi of UNDP, presenting the report.

This report also shows the decline in the satisfaction of the Kosovo citizens of all nationalities by the work of central, legislative and judicial institutions, reports RTV KiM.

At the same time, only 2% of Serbs have confidence in the work of the Assembly of Kosovo, an institution in which their attitudes are represented by 10 deputies:

"Half of the respondents (50%) are dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied with the current political direction of Kosovo, while only 15% are satisfied. Normally, if dissatisfaction arises, political protests may also arise, and for this reason citizens were also asked about their views on the protests. The latest figures show that less than 38% of citizens are ready for political protests. "

Unemployment, corruption and poverty continue to be the three biggest problems that plague most Kosovo citizens.