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Rouy: No shortcuts would be allowed to Serbia (Danas)

It seems that over the last couple of months, the Kosovo agenda is getting a faster pace and since the Kosovo side enjoys support of different countries, including that of Washington, then the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic is also looking for allies, a correspondent of several Francophonic media from Belgrade, Laurent Rouy told Danas daily.

Asked what kind of meaningful support Belgrade can get from France when it comes to the Kosovo solution, Rouy said it would foremost be the support related to the establishment of the Association of Serb-Majority Municipalities.

He also commented on Paris initiatives to get more involved in solving different issues, given that the influence of Germany is weakened, saying one factor is very important, and it is the European perspective, while Kosovo issue is now more spoken about than before.

He added, the wish to advance on the EU path and resolve the Kosovo issue, forced Vucic to seek new contacts and it correlated with the fact that Macron just entered the political scene. He underlined that Macron does not oppose new EU members, but wants candidates to resolve as much problems before joining the EU, and when it comes to Serbia it is the rule of law, freedom of the media, corruption. “These are the burning issues for Serbia,” Rouy assessed.

He went on saying that an impression is created Vucic is pushing the Kosovo issue, hoping Serbia would then be allowed some shortcuts for other issues, however French President tried to emphasize it won’t go that way.

Asked how come that the topic of Oliver Ivanovic murder investigation was the only one French media were interested about when it comes to Vucic, Rouy said he is not surprised.

According to him, Ivanovic was the most serious stakeholder on the Kosovo political scene, and in the eyes of France, he was a man who could contribute to resolving the Kosovo issue.

“His murder was a huge surprise for the media in France and other countries. What one could see it is that despite promises from the both sides, there is no any progress in this case,” Rouy said to Danas daily.