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Northern Kosovo residents: Investments not visible on ground (RTK2)

RTK in Serbian language in an article published yesterday pointed out investments in the four northern municipalities are made from three separate budgets: Government of Kosovo, Government of Serbia, and the Development Fund for the North, while there are different organizations and EU countries, that are also investing there.

However, residents of Mitrovica North say the investments are not felt on the ground. They think that money is not distributed fairly, and it is being invested in wrong projects which are not beneficial for the citizens.

“There is nothing visible on the ground, I’m an old citizen here in Mitrovica, that’s what I’m going to say to everyone’s face ...nothing was invested, they just steal and launder money,” Mitrovica North resident said, while the other noted "there are just promises, and at concretely we still have nothing."

According to RTK, in Leposavic municipality there are almost no projects at the moment, there is no capital project ongoing either. All works on the projects initiated before stopped, as the current government claims the previous one has left debts higher than 3 million euros. And Leposavic residents say all the promises made during the elections were made in vain.

The European Union Office in Kosovo announced that the Board of Directors of the Development Fund allocated more than 2 million euros for projects in northern Kosovo this year. Zvecan was allocated more than 700,000 euros for the development of municipal infrastructure, including the support for the ongoing EU project- Regional Landfill.

There are also investments in the northern municipalities from Kosovo budget. Adriana Hodzic, Head of North Mitrovica Administration said local self-government had at its disposal around 500,000 euros for the category of public services and infrastructure projects. The money was invested in renovation of the Ivo Lola Ribara Street, as well as in health and education.

RTK added there are also projects which are implemented by the Interim Municipal Council of Mitrovica North, which is funded from the budget of the Government of Serbia. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic, during his visit in Kosovo on September 8-9, announced major investments in the four municipalities.

After that, Office for Kosovo and Metohija announced that the Serbian Government will, among other things, allocate 10 million euros for the Clinical Hospital Centre in Mitrovica North, 13 million euros will be invested in the pellet factory in Leposavic, 25 million euros for the settlement “Sunny Valley” in Zvecan, while more than 800,000 euros will go to Zubin Potok to start production of laminated furniture in the “Simpo” factory.

Analysts opined that all investments are good, regardless of whether the money is allocated by the Government of Kosovo or by the Government of Serbia.

Analyst Ljubomir Stanojkovic opined that the most important investments in Serb areas in Kosovo are made by the EU countries, although sometimes it seems that the Government of Serbia is also allocating significant funds.

Political analyst Beluli Beqaj believes real investments come from the EU, while politicians from Kosovo and Serbia promise investments, for personal political points.