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Djuric: Jeremic will never again be able to harm this country (TV Most)

Vice President of the SNS Main Committee and Director of the Office for KiM, Marko Djuric, spoke about statements made today by Vuk Jeremic regarding Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic and said that Jeremic proves again that his only program is the program of hatred for Aleksandar Vucic and that he is ready to sacrifice Serbian interests for the realization of his hate program, reports TV Most.

Djuric goes on to say that Jeremic "no matter how his sponsors and the orderers were powerful, he will never again be able to damage this country as long as the citizens of Serbia decide on it."

Djuric, among other things, reminds that Jeremic and his associates kicked out a dialogue on Kosovo from the United Nations, brought EULEX, installed crossings in the heart of Serbia, dissolved the Pristina Corps and authenticated Kosovo's unilaterally declared independence with the ruling of the International Court of Justice, while the tycoon wing of the regime dealt with the biggest looting in the entire history of Serbia.