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Albanians refuse to see St. Vitus as a holiday in Kosovo (RTS, Koha Ditore)

Albanian MPs, members of the relevant parliamentary committee that discussed the Kosovo Holidays Act, voted unanimously against the demands of the Serbian List to include the June 28th (Serbian Orthodox holiday Vidovdan (St. Vitus) in the act, reports Radio Television of Serbia (RTS).

The RTS quotes Pristina daily Koha Ditore that the Serbian List requested to include the 28th June in the Law on holidays, but the first to oppose this request was MP Milaim Zeka, considering the request as an insult to the Albanians.

Zeka said that he had nothing against this Serbian holiday but considers it to be a provocative and very offensive request for Albanians. Especially because, he said, there is a possibility that Serbs will appear on that day with Milosevic's photos.