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Serbia prepares assistance of 4.5 billion for the Serbs in Kosovo (Vecernje Novosti)

According to Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti the announced special economic package of the Government of Serbia for 'the rebirth of Serb communities in Kosovo, is worth as much as 4.5 billion dinars.

This ''capital plan'' will be discussed Tuesday in a joint session of the Government with Serb leaders from the territory of Kosovo, which will be attended and by President Aleksandar Vucic.

As Novosti learn, within the documents prepared for the drafting of the Law on Special State Aid to the Autonomous Province, it is foreseen to renew the production of the "Prva Petoletka'' in Leposavic, to build a pupils' home for the Agricultural School in Lesak, while the plan for Mitrovica is to have a new university building and football complex, a new kindergarten and a bridge over the Ibar at the location "Dudin Krs'' as a connection with Zvecan and central Serbia.

Also, the construction of a hospital within the Clinical Hospital Center Pristina with its headquarters in Gracanica and the Institute of Forensic Medicine, battery factory in Zvecan, a factory of alcoholic beverages in Orahovac, chips factory in Vitina, chicken farms and a fodder factory in Pristina, restoration of the factory ''Simpo' in Zubin Potok. Belgrade wants to build houses, restore roads, to help households in agriculture in all ways, but also to reconstruct educational institutions ...

Director of the Office for KiM Marko Djuric said on Monday that this would be the most comprehensive package of assistance and support to the Serbian people in Kosovo that would be approved in the last decade.

Deputy of the Serbian List Igor Simic explains that all municipalities in Kosovo where Serbs live, after Vucic's visit in September, have sent to the relevant ministries projects related to economic improvement:

- These are big projects, primarily in the field of health and education, including the construction of the University building, renovation of the Clinical and Hospital Center in Kosovska Mitrovica, as well as the construction of a health center in Gracanica. It is also expected that funds will be granted for purchase and livestock farms. I will remind of President Vucic words that the first time there is no excuse that we have an idea, but we do not have money because Serbia has money for real projects that should improve the lives of every Serb in Kosovo.

He added that Belgrade and Pristina negotiations will also be discussed, as well as that Vucic will have the support of the Serbs from Kosovo.