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Vucic: Kosovo and Metohija issue cannot be resolved without Serbia (RTS, Tanjug)

Neither Kosovo and Metohija nor any other issue related to Serbia can be resolved without Serbia’s participation, President Alekdandar Vucic said yesterday in Istanbul, RTS reported.

Following the meeting with Turkish President Erdogan, Aleksandar Vucic would have another meeting with world leaders on November 11, in Paris, however, he is not certain the world powers would deal with the Kosovo issue on that day.

“I think there is a consideration of how and in whose presence that we talk to Thaci, but major world powers to sit together and resolve the problems, it is not going to work that way, neither is that possible,” Vucic said adding “that without participation of Serbia nobody can resolve any problem. They can all help or not, but without our participation and our willingness, there is nothing out of that.”