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Serbian Interior Minister reacts as Pristina Interpol bid fails (B92)

Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stefanovic has declared a victory in Dubai, where Interpol is holding its General Assembly, B92 reports.

Namely, the latest attempt of the self-proclaimed state of Kosovo to join the organization - which Serbia strongly opposed - has failed.

Stefanovic celebrated with a tweet showing the room where the voting took place, with the word "VICTORY" in Serbian superimposed over it.

The voting today took place in two rounds with a break in between - it was this break that caused Stefanovic, the head of Serbia's delegation, to earlier in the day react strongly and ask that there be no pause - as it was contrary to the rules and the statute of Interpol.

However, the president of the session ignored this protest. has learned that the goal of the break was to "take out of the room" members of those delegations who in the first round voted against Kosovo, in order to decrease the "no" votes in the second round.

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