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Russia reacts on announcements to form Kosovo army (Tanjug, B92)

Reacting on Pristina’s announcements to form Kosovo army, Russian Foreign Ministry said it is “violation of UN SC Resolution 1244 and destabilizing, provocative act,” Tanjug news agency reports.

“Pristina announced plans to adopt decision on December 14, on establishing Kosovo armed forces,” Russian Ministry said, and warned “that such an act would be direct and clear violation of UN SC Resolution 1244, which is the only international legal document in relation to the Kosovo issue resolution.”

The Ministry further warned that Pristina is getting ready to “undertake yet another destabilizing and provocative act, following the introduction of 100 percent taxes on goods from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.”

“The action of Kosovo authorities to form the army (violating their own constitution as well) could lead to the most serious consequences, not only in areas inhabited by the Serb population, but also for the security of the entire Balkans.”

“We expect that Kosovo Forces implement their mandate and undertake comprehensive measures for neutralization and disarmament of such formation if it is created,” the Russian Ministry said.

At the same time, it noted that “sponsors of Pristina, EU and USA should exercise strong pressure upon Kosovo Albanians and make them revoke provocative decisions and prevent increasing tensions,” the Ministry said.