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Novosti: EU lost credibility, Russia and China bring back Kosovo to East River (Vecernje Novosti)

Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti writes today that since the EU has lost credibility as a mediator in Belgrade-Pristina talks, chances are growing for Kosovo to get back to the UN. Moscow and Beijing could negotiate about that with Washington in the coming days.

Novosti’s interlocutors further claim that in addition to having UN SC session on the crisis in Kosovo, Belgrade should alert all its allies across the world and present to them that the EU, as a mediator in dialogue with Pristina, is either not able to keep things under control or does not want so. They added, Serbia should insist more strongly on respecting the UN SC Resolution 1244 and to bring Kosovo topic back to the East River.

It is expected that in the coming days, Russia and China would present an idea to “move” dialogue from Brussels to New York, to Trump’s administration.

According to the former Yugoslav Ambassador in UN Vladislav Jovanovic, Belgrade in its request to hold UN SC session on Kosovo, should warn everything that is being done in Kosovo runs contrary to UN SC Resolution 1244, adopted by the very same UN SC.  He added, he cannot predict if this initiative would be approved at the UN SC, but even if it does not, Belgrade should not stop.

“If we want to get out of a narrow scope of Brussels negotiations, where we cannot expect much, a political action across the world should be initiated, focusing on countries that have not recognized Kosovo, but also those that did it and are multinational. So, the example of Kosovo danger might affect them too,” Jovanovic said, adding that Russia, China, India and some other countries could refer to the Kosovo case in every address not only in the UN, but also in regional organizations.

On the other hand, political analyst Dragomir Andjelkovic thinks that Belgrade instead turning towards East River should focus on countermeasures.

“If we do not do so, we are encouraging Albanians to keep on going. Serbia should successively start to cease everything it gave to Pristina since 2011 and negotiations on integrated boundary management, including the Brussels agreement from 2013,” Andjelkovic said, adding it is clear someone is lying and cheating Serbia because the explanation that the EU cannot discipline Pristina simply does not stand.

“I do not believe Europe is that weak. It is rather about some dirty game, in which Belgrade is allegedly supported, but in fact it is being tolerated everything Albanians want to do,” Andjelkovic concluded.