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Montgomery: Situation with Kosovo goes in dangerous direction (Tanjug, RTS)

Former USA Ambassador to Serbia, William Montgomery said that things in and around Kosovo at this moment are ongoing in a dangerous direction, Tanjug news agency reports. “I hope I am wrong, but I am utterly pessimistic regarding the situation about Kosovo,” Montgomery said. “The current stance of Kosovo leadership is that the declaration of independence has changed everything, and that new Kosovo can do everything that other independent states are doing,” Montgomery went on explaining. “It means ignoring UN SC Resolution 1244, introducing 100 percent tax on goods from Serbia, disrespecting the Constitution (…).” Montgomery added. At the same time, according to him, the EU has either no power or willingness to insist on the implementation of the Brussels agreement, including establishment of the Community of Serb-Majority Municipalities. “Albanians have discovered they do not have to keep promises or to do more than just being dishonest towards the EU,” Montgomery said. In particular, he is disappointed that the USA changed its long-standing stance on formation of the Kosovo army. “I was personally present when it was clearly presented to our political leaders what dangers could arise in the case of the creation of such an army,” former USA ambassador noted. “It all goes in very a dangerous direction, and forces Serbs to take more extreme stances against their will and wishes,” Montgomery concluded.