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Jeremic: Delineation between Serbia and Kosovo “poisoned pill” (Danas, FoNet)

Leader of Peoples’ Party Vuk Jeremic said today in Brussels that the delineation between Serbia and Kosovo, as a part of possible solution represents “a poisoned pill” for Western Balkans and the future of Europe, FoNet news agency reports.

“If EU agrees to the plan of Vucic and Thaci to change an administrative line based on the ethnic composition of the territories, there is absolutely no way to make this happen for the last time in this generation and that someone else will not do the same thing,” Jeremic warned in a roundtable organized at the European Parliament by a group of European liberals.

Dragan Djilas, one of the leaders of opposition Alliance for Serbia (SZS) who was also present said that only reconciliation between Albanian and Serbian people can bring stability in the Balkans. “Those who have started the wars, cannot bring reconciliation,” Djilas added.

Both, Jeremic and Djilas said they are ready to find a compromise solution through dialogue, but they are not ready to continue the talks in a manner they are being held now between Kosovo president and president of Serbia “in the restaurants around the world.”