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Djuric: Berlin summit revealed "intentions of leaders and states" (Tanjug, B92)

Office for Kosovo and Metohija Director Marko Djuric on Thursday "thanked the organizers of the summit in Berlin on behalf of the ruling party (SNS) and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic."

Speaking in a news conference in Belgrade Djuric said that Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel prepared the summit "in a very serious way and gave the opportunity to Vucic to present Serbia's position."

"Thank you for the opportunity for Serbia and the president to present the position of Serbia. The result, what remains as an impression, is a pretty clear picture of what various people in the region want for us and what stance they intend to take on Serbia and its interests, and the rights and position of Serbs in the region," Djuric underlined.

He added that, unfortunately, there were few positive messages at the summit - "on the contrary, since the messages from Pristina and Tirana were virtually horrific, completely against dialogue and goals such as normalization of relations."

"It's much clearer after the Berlin summit what real intentions of individual leaders in the region and of individual countries are," Djuric noted and added that "not everything was that dark" - as the behavior of Slovenia and Croatia was "fair," as was that of Montenegro.

Serbia led by Vucic and Prime Minister Ana Brnabic "very seriously and firmly represented our efforts and showed serious and responsible approach," said Djuric.

"Serbia and President Aleksandar Vucic are grateful to Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron for organizing a summit where Serbia has had the opportunity to present its views, in an atmosphere that was at times difficult and complex thanks to the behavior of some countries and leaders of the countries in the region. There were attempts to present things the way they are not, but all this was met with clear, substantive and direct responses from President Vucic and Prime Minister Brnabic," Djuric said.