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"Euronews" reports on Macron's Belgrade visit (Tanjug, B92)

In its Belgrade report on the visit of President Macron, "Euronews" underlines his promise to relaunch Belgrade-Pristina dialogue. After meeting his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic, Macron said he would invite delegations from Serbia and Kosovo to Paris, along with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, "Euronews" reports.

"We are seeing rising tension and sometimes these tensions are fueled here and there by external powers that have an interest in making sure no deal is found," Macron said, as "Euronews" carries.

"Euronews" also quotes Macron's words that "developments over the last few weeks have been a concern, and decisions that were against past commitments must be abrogated." "Euronews" underlines that Belgrade's relations with Pristina "have deteriorated since Pristina imposed 100% tariffs on Serbian products after Belgrade blocked its membership bid to join Interpol".

"Euronews" reminds that EU has led talks between Belgrade and Pristina since 2011, which resulted in several technical agreements including the Brussels agreement which aimed to normalize relations and "integrate the Serb minority in northern Kosovo". But in practice, the agreements were "vague", and the process was undone after several setbacks.

"Euronews" also states that Vucic asked Macron if he could help Serbia in its bid to join the European Union, but also added that the French President made no promises, reiterating that EU decision-making needs to get more efficient before other countries join EU.

In a sign of cooperation, "Euronews" reports, Serbia agreed to buy the French light surface-to-air missile Mistral and both sides signed a letter of intent for the construction of a metro in Belgrade. Moreover, immediately prior to Macron's arrival to Belgrade, President Vucic's media advisor confirmed to Prva TV that "Euronews" will soon come to Belgrade, and open its regional branch in Serbia.